Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tooth Abscess

About Tooth Abscess:

Abscess can occur in the mouth from infections between the teeth and gum, or in the root of the tooth itself. They are most frequently caused by severe tooth decay in which the enamel is opened or broken and bacteria infect the pulp of the tooth. They can also be due to local trauma when a tooth is chipped or broken. They are extremely painful, and can spread to the supporting bone structure of the teeth if not properly dealt with in enough time. The pain associated with an abscess isn't limited to the immediate area where it's located. More pain may occur when you close your mouth tightly or bite down. Therefore you will likely experience pain when eating, not only if food touches or irritates the abscess, but from chewing as well.

Indications of tooth abscess:

The symptom of abscessed tooth is a severe toothache. This is due to the inflamed, infected area pressing on the nerve and root of the tooth. In many cases, the root can die as a result of the infection and the pain may subside. However, this does not mean that the infection is gone. It can stay active and continue to destroy gum tissue and spread to the bone where it can do further damage, potentially resulting in tooth loss. Other symptoms you may notice include:

  • Tenderness with touch 
  • Pain
  • Nausea
  • Swollen neck glands 
  • Gum inflammation/swelling
  • Swelling in upper or lower jaw
  • Redness of mouth or face
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Pus drainage or open sore in mouth
  • Difficulty fully opening your mouth
  • Breath odor
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Shooting or throbbing pain when chewing

Disadvantages of tooth abscess:

Disadvantages of an abscessed tooth reach far beyond the pain and discomfort of the abscess itself. If they are left untreated, the infection can spread to other teeth, or other tissues of the mouth and face. This can cause severe swelling, and in some instances if it is untreated for long enough the swelling can even cut off airways and cause death. The infection first spreads into the jaw bone and supporting structure for the teeth. Once this happens, loss of teeth can be expected as the bone is eroded. At this point it can spread to the rest of the bone structure of the face and continue to destroy tissue along the way, sometimes even resulting in facial disfigurement from bone loss.

Causes of tooth abscess?

~Offender when it comes to abscessed teeth is poor oral hygiene. When you don't execute proper oral hygiene, the harmful bacteria that live in the mouth can build up to dangerous levels. These bacteria eat leftover food particles and sugars from your diet and produce acidic waste that can destroy the enamel of your teeth. This is how cavities form, and they create an open door for infection. As cavities go deeper into the tooth, the same bacteria that caused the cavity gain access to the nerve and the pulp of the tooth. At this point, the infection can spread to the root of the tooth and the supporting bone beneath it. As the infection spreads and more tissue is destroyed, pus will collect at the site and create an abscess.


To prevent abscesses from developing is to implement a solid oral hygiene plan that will prevent bacteria from causing the decay that leads to infection. Be sure that you brush at least twice a day, use an antibacterial mouthwash twice a day to get to the areas you can't brush, and floss at least once a day to remove food particles that bacteria feed on from between the teeth. Visit your dentist for regular checkups every 6 months, and have any cavities treated right away to prevent infection from occurring. If abscesses form regularly, you may need to seek further treatment to determine whether or not there is an underlying medical condition that causes them.

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